This video shows a 3D touchscreen desktop and XGL on Linux. If you use Linux you should definitely look into this, Even if you don't have a touchscreen you will love the desktop.
This video is reported to be a blooper out take from the hoaxed moon landing. It is claimed it happened during a dress rehearsal. It's funny how all those people come running on the set.
Strange how this moon landing hoax blooper come out just after NASA reported that they have "lost" a ton of footage that was recorded of the first moon landing.
This video is of some stupid kid thinking that it would be fun to get into a tumble dryer and have his mate turn it on, But they do sound like northerners and they are known to have lower IQ's than their southern superiors, So taking a few of them out of the gene pool would do no harm.
After the recent Fireman in dryer video i didn't think it would be long before we see some copy cat attempts at this stunt. I wouldn't be surprised if the news cover this tonight, And the Sun (that bastian of bollocks) will surely give us their godly opinion on it later in the week.
This video is pretty old, And although it says ebaumsworld all over it it's not actually theirs, They put that shit on videos because they are thieving scumbags who think that by writing their names on shit it means they own it.
The video if of a hardcore super martial arts ninja doing a backflip. Backflips are pretty common, especially in the world of professional martial arts, But i have never seen a backflip like which is performed by this ninja.
Most of us would have had a super soaker as a kid (or adult, You sad wanker). What if you could turn your super soaker into a weapon worth of being brandished by a psychopathic killer? Well you can.. All you need to do is fill your super soaker with WD40 instead of water and you have your very own home made super soaker flamethrower
Remember kids, Don't try this at home... Or at least not at your own home.
Robotics in Japan is huge business, It's a statistic that every family on Japan is working on at least 6 robots at any one time, So it's understandable that they build some pretty cool robots. In this video we can see a robot chair, Or Walkbot, that you can sit in and it will walk around, and even down stairs. Good news for wheelchair users in Japan, In 10 year i predict these will be commonly used by wheelchair users instead of the regular chair.
World peace is an important thing that we should all be hoping for, And a symbol of peace is the white dove. So it can't be a good sign when the dove of peace is thrown into the air, Dies of shock and comes falling back down to earth with a thud... Sorry, No world peace today, The dove is dead.
This is the movie trailer for the upcoming Bortat Movie. If you don't know, Borat is a reporter from kazakhstan played by Sasha Baron Cohen of Ali-G fame.
In the Borat movie Borat has been sent by the kazakhstan government to make a film in America. He spends some time with Americans, Learns to drive, Goes to a rodeo and has dinner parties.
Borat is no doubt a classic character, And i can't wait to go see this movie, It's going to be hilarious.
With all the recent news about Mel Gibson hating Jews, And with the rest of the world hating us, It would be nice to see what would happen if Mel Gibson got to rewrite braveheart so he could include is antisemitism. In this video we see Mel Gibson expressing himself as he did that fateful drunk night when he was pulled over by a Jew. Mel Gibson, The Anti-Semitic drunk shmuck.
The theremin is a great musical instrument, Probably my 6th favorite all time musical instrument. In this video we can see a guy playing `Don't worry, Be happy` on his theremin. While some of it is looped and played back it was all looped live and recorded in one session.
Quite an impressive theremin piece. The theremin is the hardest musical instrument to play.
This is an amazing new coke advert done in the style of grand theft auto. I really like this coke ad, It has a really fresh new feel about it, Makes a change from the usual crap these corporations use to advertise their black sugar water.
This guy must have been reading the book "how to make friends and influence people". If you are looking to impress the ladies this guy can give you some great tips, He certainly has the skills needed to meet women, And executes them so perfectly.
At the end of the clip i can't help thinking how funny it would have been if his friends shouted out "TAXI!!".
If there is one thing that is certain, Besides death and taxes, is the fact that white people care rarely rap. And they certainly can't rap once they reach the age of 40. In this video we can see the exception to that rule. A old white man doing some pretty good impressions of rappers such as snoop dogg, digital underground, Jay Z and LL Cool J, And he is pretty good. So remember guys, White men may not be able to jump, But some of them can rap.
Atheists have been singled out as the least "American" in america, Even less "American" than the blacks, gays or Muslims. George Bush Senior said that he didn't even believe that atheists should be real citizens. The bible calls atheists "fools", These "fools" are people such as noam Chomsky, Isaac Asimov, Marie Curie, Richard Dawkins, Thomas Edison, Carl Sagan, Bruce lee, Bill Gates.
Christians make up 75% of the American population and 75% of the prison population. atheists make up 10% of the American population but only 0.2% of the prison population. So from this we can see that someone who has no belief in a god, an atheist, Is far more likely to be successful and far less likely to be a criminal.
Out of ALL Social groups the atheists are least likely to get divorced.
Any intelligent mentally sound human being should be able to tell which are the "fools". The religious ones that believe something which has nothing to back it up, Or those that are scientific and want real answers.
It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, However satisfying and reassuring
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