What would be cooler than an exploding watermelon? Seeing someone sit on an exploding watermelon. In this video we see a father sit on an exploding watermelon only to get an unbelievable reaction from his son.
This video is of some onboard motorcycle footage of when Keith (I don't know who he is) hit a deer. You can see the deer run right out in front of the bike, Then the video gets a bit shaky, I guess this is the bit where the bike and rider were sliding along the ground. The deer dies, But as far as i know Keith was ok.
This is the most amazing bungee jump video i have ever seen. Unlike other bungee jumps this guy releases the bungee rope when he reaches the ground and lands safely.
This video is very old, But i just see it for the millionth time and realized i hadn't posted it on GoogTube, So here it is. It's a video of a man blowing up a dingy boat when his son, Or some other child, Runs onto the beach and jumps on the boat while he is blowing it up and the mans head explodes.
I'm used to buying things like coke, Chocolate, gum and condoms from a vending machine.. But i have never got an iPod from a vending machine. Probably because i have never seen an iPod vending machine. Well i have now, In this video.. Looks really cool.
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If you know of a video clip you think we should put on GoogTube send your video clip suggestion to googtubevideo@gmail.com