For anyone who has even been paintballing you will know how bad them things can hurt if they hit you in the wrong place. But like i always say, it's a good reason to get good at it.
this kid takes a classic paintball headshot, I LOL everytime i see him to that little dance just before he goes down.
This is a pretty strange video. This couple "love" their horses so much that they are willing to talk about having sex with them On TV. As if it wasn't strange enough that they are telling everyone they have sex with a horse, They actually don't seem to think it's all that weird.
And check out that guy. I get the feeling if he wasn't fucking horses he would be kidnapping and murdering nuns or something.
The Annoying Devil is from the British show Balls Of Steel. How this guy has managed to go through life without being seriously injured i don't know, it's funny to watch, But would be a pain in the arse if you were a victim of some of these pranks.
If you thought you knew about the international space station (ISS), think again. The complexity of the ISS modules and amount of countries involved is staggering. This video takes us on a Tour of the International Space Station from the outside naming and explaining each of it's modules, sections and robotic arms.
Terrorists seem to take themselves far too seriously. Every time we get a video from Osama he has a straight face and makes no jokes. It's all infidels this, the west that, everyone is going to die. But as we can see from this video of terrorist bloopers they do have a sense of humor, They seem to have a lot of fun making their terrorism videos. The lighter side of terrorism.
Most kids have a hamster, They are cute little creatures. But watching them walk around their cage, Drink, Eat and shit all day is fairly boring. You could get them a plastic ball, But how would you like to be in a plastic ball? This hamsters owner decided that his hamster deserved fame and excitement, So he created a video game for the hamster to explore and play.
The debate has been going on for some time. Does smoking cannabis effect your ability to drive? Top Gear decided to put an end to this debate some time ago on British TV by testing someone not high then retesting them after a joint to see if smoking marijuana effected his ability to drive. I think you will be surprised by the result.
This is a short version of the classic film "pulp fiction" that contains nothing but the F-word. Pulp fiction was full of people saying "fuck" so the guy who made this video had his work cut out.
This guys seriously overclocked his flashlight to the point where the beam coming out of it was capable of setting paper on fire. This is a pretty impressive torch.
After Kramers (Michael Richards) infamous outburst at the comedy club it was only a matter of time before someone with a piece of video editing software, A collection of Seinfeld clips and a bunch of spare time came up with something like this.
A supermarket in Japan have provided an interesting way for their customers to move around the store, They have installed a functioning roller coaster that customers sit in an are taken around the shop to do their shopping.
These guys had the cool idea of shooting a flaming tennis ball into a pile of gasoline soaked leaves using a home made catapult. Don't try this at home, Go into the woods like they did.
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