Some advice that never gets old is "don't attempt a backflip when you are drunk". But apparently this guy never got that advice and attempted said backflip, While he was indeed drunk. Needless to say, Hilarity ensued after he landed on his head and got a mouthful of pavement.
Next time you have to sit a math exam don't bother taking your compact Casio scientific calculator, Instead take this wooden contraption which uses marble to complete calculations. You won't get any extra marks, But you will look super geeky.
You can find more information on this marble adding machine, And other wooded contraptions at
this is the Michael Moore film sicko. A film in which he exposes America as being not only the only country in the western world which doesn't have universal health care, But also a country where even people with health insurance are refused treatment so that the health insurance companies can make more money.
This video is reporting to show footage of a crying ghost girl. The person was woken in the night to sounds of crying, And this is what he caught on video. real or fake?
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