Sorry if you thought this was going to be an expose on congressman Ron Paul, In fact it's exactly the opposite. This is a video celebrating Ron Paul's policies as being the best thing to come out of America in a long time. It's time we stop voting for businessmen and oil men and time we put an honest man who has normal people as his priority.
If you can argue against any of Ron Paul's policies, Please do, But you will have a hard time.
This is a pretty cool video showing you how to make a jet engine out of nothing but paper. technically it's not a jet engine, it's more of a rocket, But it's still pretty cool.
This hunter went hunting for deer and thought he was lucky when one stopped 100 yards in front of him. Still, After three shots at the stationary deer the hunter still went home empty handed.
In this video we see various Americans asked the question "what year was 9/11?" To be fair remembering the year could be hard. But wait until they are asked what date it took place, Where it took place and how many died.
In case you thought your cable went out while watching the final episode of the Sopranos here is the final scene in that final sopranos episode. Your cable didn't go out, It really was that lame.
This is a pretty shocking video of a bus hitting a crane on a freeway. The arm of the crane was lifting a worker up at the time of the crash. Luckily nobody was killed, Though i suspect the guy in the crane may have shit his pants.
This guy has the ability to be stabbed right through his body with a sword in various places and live. In the video you can see doctors examining him while he has a sword right through him.
Oh yeah, Don't try this at home (as if you would!)
This is the video of Robbie Williams, E-x Take That Singer, Being pushed off the stage in Germany by some nut case. Now, I'm not a fan of him or his music, But this must have been pretty frightening. The man who pushed Robbie Williams off stage later claimed he done it because "it wasn't the real Robbie Williams on stage".
This is either the best UFO footage ever captured or some of the best CGI work ever. Either way, It's a good "UFO video". Something that does strike me as odd is when the UFO zooms off the camera man zooms on to the bridge.
This mentally disabled man was walking to the stop when, For no reason, A guy come up behind him and hit him across the back of the head with a baseball bat. The victim died 2 days later. Police believe this was some kind of gang initiation.
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