The reporter in this video is out reporting on a 6,000 Volt electric fence when, for some reason, he decides to grab the electric fence with hilarious consequences.
In this mixed martial arts fight Takayama vs. Frye you will see what is probably the best fight video on the internet. Takayama and Frye come out with guns blazing in this Pride MMA fight. It's funny how 20 seconds into the fight Takayama's face starts looking like a potato.
If you are a pedophile you will know how hard it is to find that 'right person'. Hours online looking around chatrooms for that special (young) girl who is willing to date a 50 year old man can be hard, Not to mention the risk of later finding out she is an undercover cop. If that sounds like you then your prayers have been answered.. You can now use a new dating service that will find the right right young girl for any over aged seedy, dirty old man.'s new MinorMatchmaker will find a young girl for every pervy old weirdo!
Remember 1989,June 4 - About 100,000 students and workers were protesting for the freedom and democracy at the Beijing tiananmen square. 2500 people died in the Tiananmen Square Massacre according to the Chinese red cross, and 7,000-10,000 people injured. After that, the US and EU announced for arms embargo on China. To today, searching information about this incident is restricted in China. This video dedicates to the growing up generations who can use it as a reference to the learning of their histories.
News about the Tiananmen Square Massacre is still restricted in China, So if you know people in China and have any way of getting this video to them i encourage you to do it. It's their right to know about their own history, And this is very much a part of Chinese history.
This is a music video featuring the simpsons theme merged with the theme of Star Trek. It's quite a creative piece featuring the piano, Theremin and funnel as the main instruments used.
This is a video put together by an internet users who goes by the name of S1NS71CK. it's a video containing some of the most popular animated forum avatars that we have seen over the years.. I have my favorites, What are your favorite forum avatars?
Bagman is a horror gore movie made by some French guys. I don't really know much more about the bagman movie other that it's made by French guys, And is really bloody and is awesome.
By applying a continuous resonant(600Hertz) sound wave, and by adjusting the amplitude and phase relationship amongst the 3 speakers; This person was able to control levitation and movement in all 3 (x,y,z) axis of the ambient space. This research was used to show the effects of micro-gravity conditions that exist in the space shuttle environment in orbit.
Kevin Rose, The founder of Digg, Got his laptop engraved at Foo Camp '06. laptop engraving seems to involve having your laptop put into a machine and having it scratched to make words or pictures. It's a nice thought, But imagine it going wrong, that's a grand down the drain just because you wanted to be "special" and have an engraving on your laptop, Think about it..
Update: I just found out it's done by laser engraving.
in this video we see the world fastest lift. In this lift you can go from the 25th floor to the ground floor in about 5 seconds, Probably should take the stairs though.
This video shows Justin King smacking the crap out of his guitar and getting it to produce some nice sounds.. Apparently this style is known as guitar tapping
In some places babies are exposed to martial arts at a young age. In this video we can see a young baby who is an expert at kung fu. This kid knows all the kung fu moves.
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