Trailer for the film Mr Woodcock in which a guy grows up to find that his mum is dating his old gym teacher, A guy who used to abuse and taunt him for being a fat kid. In Cinemas September 28th
At the Emmy's Kathy Griffin didn't want to thank Jesus like everyone else does. Instead she decided that Jesus had nothing to do with her award and suggested he "suck it".
Her remarks were cut from the aired version, Something which i find distasteful in a country where free-speech is supposed to be allowed. I guess people can only invoke Jesus if they want to thank him or tell the rest of us how great he is.
Chris Crocker, The newest person to become famous for being a complete waste of space and an oxygen thief, With his video entitled "leave Britney alone" in which he takes it upon himself to defend the honour of someone he has never met against people he don't know.
When MS released DOS 5 they must have spent at least $50 making this promo video. It even has a nerdy white guy rapping. I bet you don't make it to the end.
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