In the 1940s Soviet Russia started doing a group experiments entitled "Research in the revival of animal organisms by the means of an artificial blood circulation". Basically what this means is "Cut off a dogs head and see if you can make it carry on living", Or even more basically "can we make zombie dogs". You will see from this video that the animal experiments they done worked. After developing a way of taking an animals heart and making it carry on pumping and making lungs oxygenate blood they were able to pass this oxygenated blood round a decapitated dogs head and the dog would continue to respond to stimulus such as sound, light, taste and touch.
It got me thinking, If these animal experiments were being done 66 years ago, What are they doing now? I wonder if they have done similar experiments on humans. We all know how little regard governments have for human life, So what are the chances of them reanimating a decapitated human head? I would say about 50/50.
WARNING: If the sight of animal experiments (no matter how fascinating) offend you i would suggest you don't watch this video.
If you want to get some serious air with your BMX jumps what is the best way to go about it? Buy a decent bike? Hit the ramp fast? Nope, you have to have a ramp on a van that moves towards you.
In this video we see someone get some serious air on his BMX using the "ramp on a van" method, unfortunately his landing was a little less well planned.
I often wondered what that angry German kid was so fucking angry about, Why doesn't he speak English like the rest of the developed world? I don't understand his primitive gobbledegook. In this video we see exactly why he is so angry, It's the same thing that has made us all angry for the past year, It's that fucking Gary Brosman (or whtever his name was) and that fucking numa numa song, Oh yeah, And some starwars kid.
If you have seen the fantastic cartoon Family Guy, which you probably have, Then you would have seen the Fire Truck skit where Peter Griffin remarks about watching a National Geographic about the fire truck. "The fire truck stalks it's prey"
In this video we see that skit recreated in Grand Theft Auto, It's pretty funny. But like people on youtube have commented, It's nothing without the ladder bit. Still a very good effort though.
There are a few rumors floating around that Apple and Nintendo are on the verge of merging into some kind of super duper entertainment corporation, Perhaps they will call it apptendo, maybe not.. So it only fitting that there should be a Sony PS3 Vs Wii advert in the style of the Mac Vs PC adverts.. Surely if the Nintendo / Apple group were to run this advert it would be the end of Microsoft and Sony. They could do some kind of tag team death match with Wii and Apple Vs PC and Sony.
It's just under 3 months until the Wii hits the stores, And what with the PS3 coming out soon we can expect to see some aggressive marketing from both sides. Personally (if i played games) i would go for a PS3, Nintendo has always struck me as being a bit childish.
Robots that can stand and walk under their own volition are nothing new. We've seen plenty of robots that can run around, do acrobatics, and even teach college classes. But this robot is different. The Ballbot robot is able to balance itself on one ball, moving around slowly and even staying upright when getting pushed around. The amazing balancing robot was developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University as a new way of having robots interact with people. While most robots have either clunky legs or a wide wheelbase, the Ballbot can roll itself around any flat surface easily, without taking up space or needing lots of room to get around.
A company have produced an indestructible retractable traffic pole that claims to be able to stop a truck at full speed. But can it really stop a fully loaded truck at full speed? Well, there is only one way to find out, And that is to smash a fully loaded truck into it. In this video we see an English video crew doing exactly that experiment, Check out how well the indestructible retractable traffic pole does.
This funny video shows a couple making some homemade porno movie. The guy creaps up behind his girlfriend in the kitchen and starts kissing her, What a smooth operator, He's definately the man. He picks her up and grabs her ass and then sits her right on the red hot gas ring on the stove. If his girlfriend didn't have a smokin ass before, She certainly does now after sitting on the stove.
This guy has gone onto a TV show to talk about the XBOX live and half way through a sentence about what they have done he vomits with ferocity and makes some very strange noises.. I don't think he was very well.
This video shows a BMW M5 and AUDI RS4 racing on a busy highway. It's difficult to tell what speeds the cars were doing, But judging by the speed they pass other cars you can bet it was a bit over the speed limit. It looks like they are driving on the Autobahn in Germany, Which has no speed limits, So i don't know if they were even breaking any laws.
Cats are pretty cool creatures, They can purr, they can chase stuff, they can go to sleep, they can, err, well that's about it really, boring fucking things. But this cat can do a bit more than the boring things most cats can do. HE CAN FLY! Well, when i say he can fly what i mean is he can jump from the top of a telegraph pole and not die.
This guy was sitting down at his aunts house about to enjoy a nice bowl of fruit loops when all of a sudden the lights started flickering. He grabbed his camera to capture the ghostly happening and then a picture started banging on the wall, Then the Poltergeist levitated his cereal bowl and threw it on the floor..
I don't know about you, But if i was a ghost i would do better stuff than that. This must be some kind of petulant child Poltergeist.
This video has been around for some time, but what with all the middle east kicking off i though it would be appropriate to post it. It's a comical look at global nuclear devestation and the end of the world, Done with a funny voice.
We have seen videos of people opening bottles of beer with their teeth, opening a bottle of beer with another bottle of beer and even, wait for it, Even with a bottle opener. But what if you don't have any teeth, another bottle or a bottle opener? Well, In that case you use a piece of paper.
In this video we can see how to open a bottle of beer with a piece of paper.
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