While filming for a hip hop video this guy completely wrecks his bike in the process of performing a stunt. It makes me laugh how even after making a complete fool of himself he still thinks he is ultra-cool.
This Japanese game show has some interesting items. Like this one where they roll various tyres down a ski jump to see which goes furthest. You have to watch till the end to see the hug tyre, It's worth it.
How much would you have to be paid to get a tattoo on your forehead? The woman in this video was willing to accept a mear $10,000 to get a tattoo advertising goldenpalace.com online casino on here forehead. She was completely taken advantage of. And to top it off she said she got it done because she "likes a lot of positive things in her life" As if selling your forehead to an online casino is positive.
This is a pretty good music video made for the Daft Punk song harder, Better, faster, Stronger. It starts off slow but give it a chance, It's worth it.
Creature comforts is a British show from Ardman animation, The makers of Wallace and gromit and chicken run, Which is coming to the US soon on CBS. The show basically consists of interviews with regular people dubbed over animated Plasticine models of animals. It's very funny.
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