This guy thought it would be hilarious to light a fart and send it to Americas funniest home videos, unfortunately, for him, What happened was far funnier than another video of some guy lighting a fart... He shit himself. While trying to squeeze out that last fart to light he pushed a little to hard and produced some trouser fudge.
This video is of the Reno Balloon Race 2006. One hundred six balloons in a mass ascension at the Reno Balloon Race. Can you see where the cow jumped over the moon? This was shot with a Canon S3 using GBTimelapse and a Canon Pro1 running in continuous mode.
In my time i have eaten my fair share of crazy/disgusting things. I have eaten everything from a some horse meat to a cigarette but, But i have never eaten anything that was alive at the time of me eating it.
In this video we see a girl, Quite a pretty one, Eating a live praying mantis.
If you don't know, A teabagging is when you have genitals rubbed on your face, I know, It's funny already.
This kids life was ruined after some people held him down, Rubbed their penis on his face and then tried to stick a banana up his arse.
Now, I'm no expert in this kinda thing, but two pieces of advice i would give this kid. 1) Get over it, It's just a cock. 2) Don't go on TV and tell everyone about it.
It's a pretty funny clip of a model falling on the catwalk, Keep an eye out for the second time she falls, It's like she's doing some kind of dance. I blame the ridiculous way she walks.
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