This is a deomstration video showing the capabilities of the NASA World Wind 1.4 application. From what i see NASA World Wind 1.4 kicks the shit out of Google earth.
If you have never wondered what would happen if you drilled through a laptop screen you have to watch this video. Two guys, I think German, Get a laptop, get a drill and proceed to drill through the laptop screen. I don't know what the laptop screen is made of, But it must be something like kryptonite, It takes a while for the drill too go through the screen.
Now, Imagine, If you will, That chatrooms were real. Imagine a chatroom was a real place where you went and sat to talk to people. This video explores that hypothesis in a very creepy way.
This guy is tiny, He is Nelson Aquino de la Rosa, The shortest man in the world, He is 54 centimeters tall (about 1 1/2 feet). And if that wasn't strange enough he has quite a good looking wife and a 2 year old son who is taller than he is. It must suck when your baby son can kick your ass. He died in October 22, 2006 at the age of 38 from heart failure.
This is a clip from the British show "big train" in which a man is reunited with his mother who he hasn't seen for many years.. There is nothing sweeter than a reunion between a son and his mother after so many years of not talking.
Obviously the funniest thing a dog can do is hump another dog, we all know that.. But surely the second funniest thing a dog can do is puke... If you agree then you are in luck, Here is a video of a dog puking and humping!
If you have ever wondered what would happen if you hit a can of WD40 with a stick or sledgehammer this video is for you. By the way, If anyone has some spare eyebrows they can lend this kid im sure he would be grateful.
There are some things that you cant do when you are not in a swimming pool. This is a funny video looking at how it may look if you done the things you can't do when you're not in a pool, When you are not in a pool. They include having an underwater tea party, Holding your breath, Dipping your toes and of course, the classic, pissing yourself.
A few years ago LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) experiments were common. Everyone from drug companies to the US Government were giving acid to everyone from homeless people to soldiers. The belief was that LSD was able to give people super-human strength or even cause people to become telepathic, Of course non of his was true. In this video we get to see one of those experiments involving a cat on LSD. Though this looks quite disturbing im sure the cat was fine because he didn't attempt to attack the scientist. So if you want to know what a cat looks like on LSD, watch this video.
These Saudi folks are insane. They are skating on the road at 65mph, without skates. All they are wearing are these thin little sandal's. I'm surprised nobody was killed, But i would be even more surprised if they manage to stay alive for another year.
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