Remember the Titanic movie? Wasn't it great!? What do you mean it was shit? Well perhaps you would prefer the sequel to the Titanic, Creatively called Titanic 2.
Well, If it was real it would make a great film, Much better than the pile of shit we got in Titanic 1. By the way, If you haven't seen it, The boat sinks at the end.
I see this movie a while back and thought I would dig it up to put on googtube. It's a video of a half million volt switch being opened at a power station resulting in quite an impressive lightning show.
A judge ruled that, Under the freedom of information act, The US government had to release the video footage of the plane crashing into the pentagon. This should shut them conspiracy theorists up, Shouldn't it? Well it should, If there was actually a plane visible in this footage.
Are we supposed to believe that the pentagon, The home of american "intelligence", Is monitored by nothing more than a poor quality CCTV video camera on a guard post? Surely if a plane crashed into the pentagon on September the 11th it would be one of the easiest things to prove ever. you can see the story on the BBC.
This is an interesting quote. "Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77," president Tom Fitton. Where is the plane? Show me the plane!
I'm not much of a fan of games, I think they are played by people who still live with their parents and have limited computer skills... But this demo of the playstation 3 control pad is really shit hot. Sony get a lot of flack from Nintendo lovers about how they copy stuff, But Mario can eat shit, This controller pwnz!
I think this paystation 3 control pad could be the saving grace of the Sony Playstation.
This guy had a really good idea, It involved his penis and a rather large firework, I have gone over his plan many times in my head and I can't come up with a reason why this is a bad idea, It's flawless.
By the way kids, Don't do this at home, Go out into a field and do it!
LOL this is a funny video.. Some cabbage thought it would be a good idea to go up to a cop and give him the finger, Of course it's a good idea, What could possibly go wrong? I mean, It's not as if he is going to start beating you with a stick, is it? Needles to say hilarity ensued...
The BBC have arranged an interview with Mr Kewney, An IT expert. So they go down to the waiting room at the BBC, shout "Mr Kewney", and the cab driver who is there to pick up Mr Kewney stands up, But he is the wrong man.. The cab driver is then taken to be prepared for the interview, he has some makeup applied, fitted with a mic and sat in front of a TV camera.. Why he didn't think to ask what the fuck was going on before hand is amazing, But he ends up on the BBC news trying to blag his way through an interview when he knows nothing about the topic... He done quite well, Though his facial expressions at the beginning kinda give the game away.
For the people who don't know who Karl Pilkington is (probably americans) he works on the radio show by Ricky Gervais. Ricky Gervais is the guy responsible for The Office (a show which america 'borrowed', and fucked up).
Anyway, Karl Pilkington is a legend, You can find many videos featuring him on YouTube, But I have selected this one because it's the first time we get to see him.
Yeah we have all seen the maze game that scares people (and the billion clones of it), Yeah it made me jump first time I see it, But this guy practicality moves into another dimension when he jumps.. What a pussy!
Now, We know that kung fu originated in the east, Bruce lee, and erm,, well there has been many. But it is a little known fact that Britain has it's own style of the martial art known as kung fu and this style is demonstrated in this video.
Really funny black kid talking about a film he watched with his mum where some guy got kicked in the penis.. Apparently he was injured,, Injured bad. Funny video, Funny Kid.
This guy has used up all his luck in these 5 seconds... And he almost certainly would have shit his pants. I get a bit frightened just thinking about it.
Yes it's pretty much common knowledge that David Copperfield is a pretentious wanker, But nobody has demonstrated just how much of a wanker he is better than this guy. Great spoof, Fantastic facial expressions!
Well for one I didn't think Russians had cars, Looks like they do.. But one thing in certain, According to google video, They don't know how to drive them.. This video has a nice soundtrack
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