This video was sent to me via email from Mark Bakalor. It's a juggling video staring Vova Galchenko set to a fat boy slim track and is some of the best juggling i have ever seen. The juggler users clubs and balls, And in my opinion is better than Chris Bliss and Jason Garfield put together.. The video was shot in this lovely house in Southern California.
You can also see the video on youtube where you can comment and rate the video, So show your support.
We all remember the transformers as a kid, They were awesome. The sci-fi channel have put together a little movie, I don't know of this is an advert for something, Where a woman pulls up in her car and the car transformers into something more manageable, something all women drivers need with their appalling parking.
There are some nice touches in this movie, Like the car alarm turning on at the end.
The second Fart movie I thought id post is the Fart Matrix.. We have all seen the matrix,, And I think I can speak for everyone when I says it needed more farting, luckily someone else decided to do something about the lack of farting in the matrix! Yippee!
So, I thought I would have a look around google video for videos using the search term "Fart" and I came across two funny fart videos. The first fart video I'm going to post is of the Farting Preacher. The Farting Preacher is a televanglist named pastor Robert Tilton and some clever sausage had decided to dub fating noises over the soundtrack of the preacher talking, Some may say this is childish and immature, I however say it is genius. Check out the official Farting Preacher site.
This video shows a UFO , UFO meaning "unidentified flying object" before people accuse me of claiming it is an alien craft, Which appears to be exploding. I don't know where this exploding UFO was filmed, But it looks quite impressive. It sounds as though the person recording this UFO thought it was Venus when there were videoing it, So for me that minimizes the possibility that the person who filmed the UFO was faking it, Though his reaction of "whoa, Whoa, Holy mackerel" does sound quite comical.
HornBlasters are a group of guys who drive around the streets terrorizing people with a huge train horn hidden under the grill on their car. What makes this funny is they film it for us to see. A few people literally jump out of their skin when the HornBlasters train horn goes off. There are a series of movies they have made, and a DVD which you can buy from the official HornBlasters.Com Website
Another classic example of president G W making a complete arse of himself. We are used to seeing bush trip over his words, make stupid comments,, Not worrying about black people who are living under 6 foot of sea water and sewage, But now we can see him mocking the blind.
this video is if bush at a press conference making the comment "Are you going to ask the question with the shades on. To the viewers, there is no sun" to a legally blind reporter. In his defense, bush probably didn't know the guy was blind, But that only means someone in his position should think before he opens his big, moronic, southern redneck mouth.
Instead of the reporter going along with the joke, Probably trough embarrassment, I would have liked to hear him reply "yeah I have to, I am blind" just to see the look of president cretins, err, I mean Bush' face..
I found this movie on Google Video. It's part of Edward Tse' PhD research on multi user multimodal tabletop interaction. It allows multi user gesture and speech interaction over Google Earth and Warcraft III on a digital table display. More info
For those of you who don't know what the Hutchison Effect is, It's a science of Anti-gravity. Things are made to levitate with the use of Tesla style magnetic fiends. Levitation isn't the only thing that happens with the Hutchison Effect, Another effect of the Hutchison Effect is the melting of metal at room temperature. Have a look at this video and post your comments, Also note the way the objects moves up, This rules out the posibility that the object's are actually falling and the camera turned upside down.
Ok, David Blaine can fuck off, That guys magic tricks are boring as shit compared to Criss Angel. You have probably seen the other Criss Angel magic trick where he "does a Jesus" and walks on water, but this magic trick is something else, It's pretty easy to figure out how it's done, But it's strange as hell.
Shaolin Monks are pretty cool. They spend their time in the mountains meditating, learning martial arts, being at peace and being kicked in the balls... What? That's right, Kicked in the balls. I don't exactly understand why they would do this, and to be honest, I don't think they do either.. But you can see from this video the monks can really take a kicking to the old fellows and don't even flinch. I heard once that they can retract their testicles into their body, But still, I wouldn't like to chance it. anyone know why monks would be kicked in the balls like this? What's the purpose?
Criss Angel Walks on Water, or does he? I don't think he does. I think he using wires, His steps look very un-natural. But the guy is a magician and he is known for doing magic tricks, So don't take what he does to literally.
Part of my reason for posting this Criss Angel Walks on Water Magic Trick video is because of the peoples reactions to the trick at the end, It's like some kind of stereotype convention. We have the slutty white girls saying "oh my god, it was so like, oh my god" and the big black momma saying "Yo yo wazzup, i'm iz black yo, so i gotsta be talking like dis.. Dats da shit yo".. Predictable fucking idiots.
Anyway, Watch the Magic Trick and then watch the predictable text book stereotypes.
This UFO video has been around for quite some time, As you can see by the presence of the world trade center. I have watched this many times and can't even think what it could be. I don't think it's a UFO hoax, If it is it's a spectacular UFO hoax. I don't think it's aliens, Because of the exhaust stream and how close it was to the twin towers. I don't think it is a secret military craft, Because they don't usually fly secrets over major cities. So I dunno, What do you think?
Family Guy is one of my favorite program's, Second only to The Simpsons. This clip is of Bin Laden making a guest appearance on Family Guy. I guess you could call it a "Taliban death to Americans blooper tape"... Stewie Griffin makes a guest appearance and saves the day, As does Homer Simpson.
A few weeks ago there was a photo in circulation proporting to be of an Alien baby, to any rational person it was pretty obvious that this baby wasn't an alien, But rather a baby born with some strange condition. This baby lived on a short time after birth.. But there has also been a video release of this alien baby, SO what do you think? Alien baby? Or not?
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If you know of a video clip you think we should put on GoogTube send your video clip suggestion to