This kid is shit hot at yo-yo tricks. I used to have a yo-yo but could never do any tricks, Well that's not true, I would walk the dog, But my yo-yo tricks were nothing like this guys yo-yo tricks. He must have practiced for years on the Yo-Yo.
This is a shoot from the new SONY bravia TV advert.. I guess they are trying get the message across that a SONY TV has fantastic colour definition. It looks like the adverts is going to be great. They are exploding paint up the side of the building, Perhaps they have discovered a new way of painting large objects such as buildings and bridges, I wonder what kind of finish it gives.
I think these guys are French, and they are professional can throwers. i don't know what else to say about the video, So just watch it.
I would like to see this used in an anti litter advert, Though it would probably mean more little because everyone will be trying to throw crap in the bin from across the street.
The Republican parties blatant redundancy from the RNC 2004, and yet that party is still using that same shock and awe to keep American citizens spooked.
If people can't see by now how the Bush administration is trying to control the population by fear they need some serious help, And shouldn't be allowed to vote... Or drive, Or have kids, they certainly shouldn't be allowed to own a gun and they shouldn't be allowed to walk down the street with the rest of us.
Hitler once said "The way to control people is to make them believe hey are under attack.". So it's nice to see that Nazi methods of control are still alive in the Bush administration.
This is the craziest Japanese prank i have ever seen. There are no subtitles, so unless you speak Japanese you won't know what they are saying, But you don't need to know really.
This goes beyond fun, In this Japanese taxi prank the guy is completely terrified and could possibly have died, I don't know how they can get away with this stuff.
This has got to be the best (luckiest) basketball shot in the history of everything. I'm no expert on the rules of basketball, I'm a Brit, But i know enough from my time playing for the skins when i was 12 to know an illegal shot when i see it. At first i thought "hmm, impressive, but it don't count". But after inspecting it further i see that it's wasn't an illegal basketball shot, And it would have counted. He shoots, HE SCORES!!
In this video we see a lady who used to be a Muslim criticizing and completely owning the religion of Islam. She says that the Islamic world owes the Jews for most of the scientific discoveries, She says that the Islamic world owes the west for their free thinkers. She points out that no Buddhists have burned down a mosque, Yet Muslims burn down churches. She says that the Jews have changed the world through knowledge and science and that Islam tries to change it with violence and yelling.
The war between Islam and the west is a war between the civilized and the primitive.
I think she has a point. Out if all the religions this planet has been cursed with Islam is the most backwards and most damaging of all.
This is a video of a woman who has a condition called lobster-claw syndrome. Lobster-claw syndrome, the condition fused together the digits of her hands and feet into claw-like appendages.
This a pretty impressive stop motion video where the scenes are shot one frame at a time, I wouldn't like to estimate how many frames are in it, Or how many hours it took to make, But i bet the answer to both questions is FUCKING LOADS!
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