If you have ever seen Most Haunted, And are not a complete cretin, you would have noticed how fake and staged the "Ghosts" are, Not to mention Derek Acorahs staged possession where he is able to give personal stories about a person when they were alive, But unable to provide a single piece of actual historical data, Like who is on the throne at that time for example.
not only has Yvette Fielding be proven to be faking the ghost noises her self, and then claiming they were ghosts when someone else says "what was that noise?" but also, as we can see in this video, Pushing the glass during a ouija seance on Most Haunted Live.
Global Warming is a serious issue, And it's getting more serious as time goes by.. But some people don't think it's particularly serious, Well, At least not as serious as getting brown envelopes and "donations" from oil companies. George bush is one of these people.
The following is a video of George Bush on Global Warming.. Albeit not the real George Bush, But I get the feeling his own opinion on global warming would be along these lines.
If you are interested in global Warming and the environment, And more importantly, leaving a habitable planet full of wildlife for your children to enjoy, Use your car less, Turn off your lights and encourage your local Politicians to bring in bills and laws that ensure we stop killing planet earth.
Wow, Those Germans (or are they Dutch?), Turns out they are Swedish (thanks Emma).. I didn't think euro happy hardcore could get any stranger, but then I heard Boten Anna by Basshunter. As far as I can tell from the subtitles, It's about a guy who has fallen in love with an IRC bot that looks after the IRC channel, He drives around in his little yellow toy car singing about how well she kicks spammers and how hard she bans people.. But then, One day, The bot talk to him, It's not a bot! It's a real girl! Well I told you it was strange. And then he drives off with the IRC bot in his little yellow car.. Oh yeah, He also spends time in a peddle boat and in a night club.. Just watch it, I'm tired of explaining this nonsense.
We all like jokes, jokes are good, sometimes even funny. The biggest part of telling a joke is the delivery, If you can't deliver the joke you shouldn't be telling it. This video is of a man who has a very funny joke, and the ability to deliver that joke with perfection. (he reminds me of my friend Stuart, If people know me they will know Stuart)
With the world cup coming up I thought it would be nice to have a football (that's soccer, to you Americans) video on googtube. We could have gone for a video showing Ronaldo football skills, David Beckhams freekick skills during football matches, But in true GoogTube style, We decided to go for a video of football bloopers.
I don't know about you, But if I had a horse I would just ride it, maybe play some polo. What I wouldn't do is spend any amount of time around it's rear end.. Any number of things could happen.
By now everyone should know about myspace, It's like the cancer of the internet, myspace is spreading at a fantastic rate, swallowing up peoples time and forcing me to view my "friends" pages full of information about their mundane lives and showing me the 10'000 gifs they have collected..
I recently see this movie on youtube that some guys have made about myspace. It shows how predictable myspace is and how predictable myspace users are.
The movie is in a few sections. First it shows what happens when you go on a blind date with someone you met on myspace, then it has a funny section about those myspace chain letters... There are a couple of other section, But those are my favorites.. Anyway, check out the myspace movie for yourself.
Tagged with the line " It's amazing what you can do at the Apple store with only 10 minutes left in your lunch break." this movies doesn't disappoint, It really is amazing what you can do in the apple store with 10 minutes left in your lunch break.
This guy and his friend look to have happened across a camera in the apple store, probably while out buying one of them trendy ipod things or an imac (doesn't that remove hair from women's legs?), and took their opportunity, Not quite sure how they got hold of the recording though, Maybe that is a story for another day..
Slow motion footageis always interesting. It let's us see tiny moments of time that would usually be over in an instant in great detail. In this video we get to see a water balloon being popped by a scalpel in very slow motion.
Robotics are an interest of mine, As a kid I would buy at least one robot kit a month and my room was full of them. The guys in this video have taken the robot kit one step further and have created a robotic mule that trots around on four legs, and even keeps it's balance if people try to push it over... Better than that Honda Robot that takes a week to go up 3 stairs!
We have all seen the videos of what happens when you put mentos in coke. But have you ever wondered what effect mentos would have if you drank a load of coke then ate a bunch of these mentos? I know I have..
Well luckily enough someone has tried this experiment for us and she made a video of her self drinking coke then eating a pack of mentos, With an explosive reaction...
This video was due to be shown on NBC but clashed with the Columbine shootings, so the guys in charge thought it would be in bad taste and pulled it, Good decision really. It's footage of the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot. I suspect this is what Americans with small penis' do when they are bored, Still pretty cool though, If you like watching movies of machine guns and things exploding...
Not sure how real this video is (I suspect it's fake) but it looks real. It's a video of a man having his hands cut off by helicopter blades.. It's a lesson to tall people who fly in helicopters. Please keep your hands firmly at your side until you are away from the helicopter or you may risk having them cut off.
You have probbaly seen the Coke and Mentos Experiments in many videos on youtube and google video. But this Coke and Mentos Experiment beats them all hands down. It's not just a video of someone dropping mentos into a bottle of coke and then laughing as if they have done something new, It's a well choreographed piece of art set to music.
If you want to contact me you can Email me at the address below.
If you know of a video clip you think we should put on GoogTube send your video clip suggestion to googtubevideo@gmail.com