This movie is by Pleix, Pleix are a group of digital artists based in Paris. Some of them are 3D artists, some others are musicians or graphic designers.
this video is of dogs flying in slow motion, When i first read the description i thought "WTFZOR?!" but after watching it i fully understand what they are trying to say, Well i don't really, But who wouldn't want to watch dogs flying in slow motion? Especially the little dog with his tongue out.
This video is pretty funny, For a car accident.. The guy on a motorbike comes out of nowhere, Gets completely wiped out by a car, Lands on his feet and starts ranting at the car driver for hitting his motor bike. Very funny video Probably the most unbelievable car and bike accident i have ever seen.
I suspect he still had to go to hospital and was only on his feet because of the effect of shock and adrenalin.
We here at GoogTube (by we i mean me) strongly believe in environmental issues, There are things like global warming and Air quality but most of all what concerns us (me) is the lack of action that seems to manifest with politicians and the general public, People like you! This summer saw the opening of a film, The film is called An Inconvenient Truth. The film focuses on climate change and it's effects to people living on planet earth and their children.
We have spoken long and hard about climate change, We have summits on climate change, We even talk about it extensively in pubs with our friends, But talking time is over, Now we really do have to start doing something about it. I usually like to find things to blame our leaders for, But the truth of the matter is you don't need them to hold your hand when it comes to environmental issues, You can make changes yourself.
It's accepted and proven that humans have had a direct influence on climate change through their burning of fossil fuels, So when you wake up one day to find half of your country is under water, Your new car has been washed away and your children are dead don't come crying to me, It's you own fucking fault and you done nothing to prevent it... Have a good future.
Canceling an AOL account should be easy, Shouldn't it? Well not according to the thousands of people who want to cancel their AOL account every week, And especially not according to Vincent Ferrari. Vincent Ferrari called AOL to cancel his account and decided he would record the phone conversation to prove once and for all that it either was or was not difficult to cancel your AOL account.
When Vincent Ferrari finally got through to a human being at AOL he had the misfortune of speaking to "John" who sounds like he has the attention span of belly button fluff and has worse hearing than a deaf guy. After being told that Vincent wanted to CANCEL HIS ACCOUNT! He continued to try and find a solution that would let Vincent KEEP his AOL account.
This VW advert that is banned shows why suicide bombers should use a VW.
I believe at some point this adverts was shown, but due to either public outrage or a standards committee Volkswagen were forced to pull the advert featuring the suicide bomber.
At last we have proof that god exists ladies and gentlemen. I wonder what it could be, Is it in genetics? Is it a miracle? Maybe it's the second coming of Christ.. Nope, It's none of these things, The proof god exists is the existence of the banana.
According to this moronic inbred Ausie a banana is "designed" by god to fit in a humans hand, It's angled to help us eat it and it's easily digestible (like all food) and apparently the banana is "the atheist nightmare".. Someone buy this cock jockey a fucking science book.
Anyone else get tired of going through basic "science for idiots" with every religious nut who thinks he has an argument against facts and evidence.. Next they will be telling us that evolution doesn''t exist!! Oh, wait, They have been doing that for 1000's of years.
The BumpTop 3D Desktop Is a prototype computer desktop. The idea is to combine the way we organize our conventional wooden desks with the way we organize a windows computer desktop. The creators had noticed all of the small ways people use to layout disks, Photographs and paper documents, either by stacking them and spreading them out and incorporated this into a computer desktop to give users and intuitive computer desktop that is organized like a conventional desk. Items can be stacked, Ordered or even placed on imaginary shelves. This would take some getting used to, But with more development i can see this being he computer desktop of the future.
This video is purporting to show a fallen angel found in the woods in a place called Campdevà nol in spain.. A couple of guys decided to take a walk around the wood and along they way they find large white feathers, Then one of the men spots something strange crouching down, That is when they get the fright of their life. Some people say if you look closely you can see wings on the creatures back, This has fueled speculation that the video is of an Angel, I don't know though, While it's good for us to keep an open mind i can't help but think this is staged.
I was looking around youtube typing in random words looking for something new to show you guys and i came across this video. It's showing a fork lift truck that uses AirTrax Omni-Directional Wheels.. "WTF are they?!1?" i hear you ask, well, Airtrax omni-directional technology allows the Lift Truck to move forward, diagonally, laterally, in any direction at all. Pretty hard to explain, So watch the movie..
Britney Spears has recently done an interview on Dateline where she was asked about being a shit mother, And stupid human being and asked if she could kindly "get the fuck off my TV!". Well i assume that's what she was asked, I didn't actually watch it.. But i did watch the spoof Britney Spears Dateline Interview done by Waco and posted on youtube..
So what would be better than 1 firecracker? yup, 2 firecrackers.. And what would be better that 2 firecrackers, 3 firecrackers.. and what's better than 3 firecrackers? How about 16000 firecrackers!
Someone decided to do what we would all like to do, They got a roll of 16000 firecrackers, and set them off. Luckily they videoed it, And now we can watch it.
This video must have taken ages to make, I can't think how many cuts it contains, But i would guess it's thousands. It's a video of George Bush singing Sunday bloody Sunday by U2.. I would like to see more of these made.
I sometimes lay awake a night thinking "i really wish i could see what would happen when you throw nitrogen into a swimming pool". Then one day, By sheer luck, I see a video on youtube which showed exactly that.
Some people, Looks like at a hotel, throwing a bowl of nitrogen into a swimming pool.
This Invisibility technology is fresh out of Japan. Apparently them clever Japs have created a material that works like an invisibility cloak. From looking at the video i can't quite figure out how this works, Because it seems to be able to work on different layers. Sometimes you can see through wood, or the man, So why can you see through what is behind it. They call this "secret invisibility technology", But to be honest, I think it's just a trick.
The military have a lot of secrets, But sometimes these secrets make their way out, Either through a leak or by a member of the public accidentally seeing and videoing the military secret.. In this video we apparently see a plane being launched from underwater and taking off. The way i see it, If missiles can be launched from under the water, Why not a plane?
Of course, The alternative could be that the whole thing is fake and created on a computer, But that wouldn't be very interesting now, would it...
Has anyone else noticed how Asian kids seem to be awesome at absolutely everything they do?
In this video we seen an Asian kid being awesome at playing the super Mario brothers theme on not one, But TWO guitars at the same time. I don't think i could even play it on the drums, But there ya go,. There has been some speculation that this video is fake, But i don't think it is, I have no reason to think he faked it. Anyway, check it out and let me know what ya think
These cars are being driven by the SAAB performance team.. I haven't heard of these guys before, But they look like shit hot drivers. If you like drifting, handbrake turns and other crazy car tricks you should like this video.
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