Yes we know, Videos of animals having sex are childish and immature, Which is exactly why you will find it on GoogTube. We have given you videos of people vomiting, shitting themselves and all kinds of other embarrassing moments, So it's only natural that we deliver monkey sex as well. In this video we see a pretty funny dubbed video of monkeys having sex with human voices ontop.. It made us smile, and im sure you will smile too.
This was shot in a house on welsley street in the chruch and welsley area. It's behind the keg mansion which used to be owned my the massays. The story is that the daughter hung herself on the upper floor of the house and this is her ghost caught on film.
Pole dancing is pretty hard, So I've heard, Which is why you shouldn't do it unless you know what you are doing. The girl in this video either never got that piece of great advice or chose to ignore it. While attempting to invert her body on the pole she lost grip and came crashing down on her face in what is one of the greatest face plants i have ever seen.
This should shut them cretinous creationists up. Let's see them present an 8 minute video explaining how God made us all. This video shows Carl Sagan talking for eight minutes on how humans evolved from a simple collection of molecules in a swamp somewhere billions of years ago. Seriously, Evolution makes so much sense i find it embarrassing that religious nuts still can't accept it, Backwards primitive morons.
Getting a pound coin to stand on it's edges without falling over or rolling away os hard enough, But in this advert for they manage to get 10,000 pound coins to stand up and then they make them tumble like dominoes. There are 3 things i like about this advert, firstly i like thinking about how many beers i could buy with that money, Secondly i like the look of it and strangly i enjoy the sound they make.
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If you know of a video clip you think we should put on GoogTube send your video clip suggestion to