Wow, Those Germans (or are they Dutch?), Turns out they are Swedish (thanks Emma).. I didn't think euro happy hardcore could get any stranger, but then I heard Boten Anna by Basshunter. As far as I can tell from the subtitles, It's about a guy who has fallen in love with an IRC bot that looks after the IRC channel, He drives around in his little yellow toy car singing about how well she kicks spammers and how hard she bans people.. But then, One day, The bot talk to him, It's not a bot! It's a real girl! Well I told you it was strange. And then he drives off with the IRC bot in his little yellow car.. Oh yeah, He also spends time in a peddle boat and in a night club.. Just watch it, I'm tired of explaining this nonsense.
He is not from Norway. He is singing in Swedish and he IS from Sweden. He is born in 1984, in Halmstad, Sweden. I am from Norway :P and a big fan of his :D
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