Check out these cowards. Not only did they cowardly shoot an injured combatant in Iraq, But even cheer and whoop like they are watching a redneck fight on jerry Springer afterwards. I understand that every military will have it's bad apples, But these bad apples seem to be frequent. Each one of these scum bags should be put up against a wall and fucking executed..
And this spotty faced little shit at the end thinks he is playing his playstation back home in his smelly little bedroom.. "It was a good feeling...Hell yeah that's awesome.. Let's do it again"
Isn't it strange though that they start crying like bitches when these people start shooting back... "Boo hoo hoo, The "terrorists" are fighting back... I want my mummy"
By the way, I hear this is banned in merika, so you US of A patriots might want to stick your fingers in your ears and repeat "I love America, I love America" until it goes away.
This video is old, But it does us good to remember the truth...
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